I’m Amelia, a freelance developmental editor for KidLit authors.
I love stories that spark wonder and curiosity in young readers. As a developmental editor, I can help you tighten plot, refine character arcs, and hone your distinctive voice. Together, we can give your story wings to fly!
Basic Edit:
Manuscript Assessment
Need general feedback and guidance on revision? Try my basic editing package: a beta-style critique + manuscript consultation.
I'll read your manuscript once and give broad-stroke comments in a one-page revision letter. If you enlist me for further editorial services for the same manuscript within one year, I will reduce the subsequent package by 15%.
Rate: .0075¢ per word
(E.g., 80,000 words = $600) -
Intermediate Edit:
Manuscript Critique
Finished a draft and ready for a round of focused edits? Try this intermediate package.
I'll read your manuscript twice. During my first pass, I'll immerse myself in the story. During the second pass, I'll examine each main story element (plot, characters, voice, setting, etc.) and make a moderate amount of comments in the margins. Then I'll organize my notes into an editorial letter (3–5 pages).
Rate: .015¢ per word
E.g., 80,000 words = $1,200 -
Ready to take your manuscript to the next level? Dive in deep with this advanced editing package.
I'll read your manuscript twice, examine each main story element, and make an ample amount of comments in the margins. Then, I'll compose an editorial letter (7–10 pages), which will include digital resources for strengthening the manuscript. Last, I'll offer a brainstorming session via Zoom for tackling your next round of revisions.
Rate: .03¢ per word
E.g., 80,000 words = $2,400 -
Advanced Edit:
Full Developmental Edit
Picture Book Package
Need feedback on your picture book?
I'll read your story three times, make suggestions in the margins, perform line edits, and compose an editorial letter (2–4 pages).
$100 Flat Rate
Submission Package
Preparing to go on submission with agents?
I'll offer developmental and line edits for your query letter, a plot analysis for your one-page synopsis, and a revision letter and line edits for your first chapter (up to 20 pp).
$200 Flat Rate
What about . . . ?
Image Credits:
Hummingbird: © MIGARTdesign via Canva
Mountains: © Dervik via Canva
Sun: © Syifa Khusna Amalia via Canva
Birds of Prey: © MitrushovaArt via Creative Market
Photo Credit: © Matt Ross Photography