Packages and Rates

Developmental editing is the first phase of the revision process and involves analyzing a story for big-picture issues. I specialize in developmental editing fiction for young readers and offer three main packages: manuscript assessment, manuscript critique, and full developmental edit.

Each package includes these basic edits:

  • Suggestions for strengthening each main story element (e.g., characters, plot, setting, tone, etc.).

  • Assessment of the story’s appropriate age category and literary genre according to industry standards.

  • A detailed editorial letter.

Because developmental editing focuses on large-scale changes, it does not include correcting finer details, such as grammar, syntax, typographical errors, or fact-checking. These issues would be addressed in subsequent revisions by a line or copy editor. Please also note that I do not edit manuscripts over 100,000 words.

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My picture book and submission packages provide a combination of line and developmental editing. Line editing involves listening to the musicality of language. In addition to the basic developmental edits listed above, I will also provide these elements of line editing:

  • Analyze pacing, meter, and rhyme (where applicable)

  • Refine word choice

  • Add texture and variety to sentence structure

  • Clarify ideas

  • Maintain a consistent tone.

These edits do not focus on correcting grammar, punctuation, or typographical errors (although they sometimes may).

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